Saturday, February 13, 2016

Take an Umbrella, It's Raining

Once upon time, a long time ago, in a land called middle school, I was in a play. Yes, just one play, and that play was called “Free to Be You and Me.” It had sort of a 70’s vibe. I wore my hair in pigtails. Disappointingly, no boys were imported to my all girls’ school for male roles. …but that’s about all I remember.  Actually, the only thing that has really resonated from any middle or upper school play is the following quote from “The Curious Savage:”
People say I love you all the time-when they say ‘take an umbrella, it’s raining,’ or ‘hurry back,’ or even ‘watch out, you’ll break your neck.’ There are hundreds of ways of wording it- you just have to listen for it, my dear.
This quote has been on my mind pretty often recently since this is traditionally time for my Kroger store to become a sea of balloons and greeting cards saying basically the same three words. Right now, many people are expressing their love very clearly, but I can’t help but think of the times, often precious times, when life is too complicated or busy to shout “I love you,” even if that’s what we mean. In my Google research, I found an article listing 40 different ways to say those three words, for example:
-        Have you eaten dinner
-        Buckle your seatbelt
-        How was your day
-        I miss you
-        Text me
but really the list goes on indefinitely.
My favorite reminder of this many worded love is my grandfather, and my grandparents’ is my favorite real life love story (I think everyone in my family agrees).  They have been married over 60 years, and the way my grandfather always begins to tell their story is by noting (with a certain degree of pride) that my grandmother is the only girl he has told, “I love you.” However, being a somewhat curt man, those aren’t always the words he uses to end a phone call. It doesn’t take much imagination, though, to understand that a call just to note that a favorite TV show is playing or a text asking if my grandmother found a comfortable pair of shoes while shopping means the same thing. The message of those short discussions is clear and reminds my grandmother and even us grandchildren that Grandad is “just thinking of us” (one of the phrases on the list) and that we are loved.
So, as Valentine’s Day approaches, I hope you take time to pay attention and notice who is telling you they love you.
Take an umbrella, and hurry back,

Monday, January 11, 2016

Five Minute Snow Day

You all know that “Christmas in Memphis” song where the singer complains that “once again it didn’t snow.” Well sadly that’s been the weather all week, and I’m over it. Snow is my favorite thing in the world, and I need a snow day right now...I'm assuming you do too...

My cat's a little wary at first, 
but he's ready for an adventure!

Snow angels with sister at Botanic Gardens!

I really love the Dixon... in summer or snow

Pretty sure this is the entrance to Narnia...

Time to walk back one is driving today...

This is the biggest snowman the yard has ever seen!

Yep, I think we all deserved that snow day. Time to curl up with a blanket and hot chocolate and watch for snow....

Stay warm (and wear your pajamas inside out tonight),

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Happy New Year!!!

The tree is officially gone

(props on untangling the Christmas lights...miss you Deanie doo!)

Like the tree is really gone...

but don't be so sad guys...

The tree will be back next year...and in the mean time, "there's so much room for activities" (to quote a movie I'll never watch) and for so many memories to be made in the next year.

With Pioneer Woman on my TV and Martha Stewart on my computer, I'm feeling inspired this morning to write a blog again and to start my new year right.

Oh and this was the sunrise out my window on Jan 1...

(look past the glare)

When a year starts this beautiful, how could anyone not be excited?!

Keep posted, and I'll keep posting... 