Thursday, October 30, 2014

What's This?! What's This?! Halloween is Already Here?!

Narrowing tunnels of cobwebs
                                     swarms of bats
                                                 piles of pumpkins
I'm seeing visions.

...visions of over the top Halloween decor without an over the top budget.

What did you say?
This vision has cast a spell on you?
Then follow me, and commune with your inner Martha Stewart...if you dare...

What's happening in that yard?

Do those gates lead to Disney's Haunted Mansion???

Is Harry Potter about to show up with an acromantula? Is Spider-Man nearby?

So many questions! So many possibilities!

Actually, that mailbox seems to be buried in three of Party City's largest sized spider webs...though a yard full of webbing can typically materialize out of one small bag...but more is more on Halloween.

Let's take a step back...

What's this, what's this?! There's white things in the air...
The webs stretch across the driveway!

I can't believe my eyes. I must be dreaming. 
They appear to narrow, directing us toward the house!

There's no turning back now.

Stacks of pumpkins help display a spooky jack-o-lantern guarding the door. Varied pumpkin colors draw the eye. 

On grey stone steps, cold as the grave, sits a phantom black bird, his silhouette forever confined in an orange cage. 
    His image nothing more than construction paper. His prison an ordinary pumpkin.

Shall we step inside?

Turn on the lights...

Bats are swarming!!!

Starting small and growing larger, closer! They're casting shadows everywhere!


Perhaps the shower will be safer...

Eeek eek eek ekk
What were we thinking?!


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