Monday, March 24, 2014

A Little Thank You Note

Dear Lady at Starbucks, I do not know your name or any other identifying features about you, but I would like to say “thank you.” Thank you for the Tall-Iced-Coffee-With-Hazelnut-and-Cream. I was going to pay for it. In fact, the only reason I went to Starbucks yesterday was because I had a brand new gift card. 
However, “yay, my Starbucks Card will last longer” was not my first thought when I reached the window (though I am thankful for that). When I heard that “a lady inside paid for the next car,” my day suddenly became warmer and brighter, even beyond the delicious cup of caffeine. 
There is really no way you could have known to whom you were sending a coffee, and yet, you did. You were kind to me without seeing who you were helping or knowing how the gesture would be interpreted. Your seemingly small, generous act showed me a refreshing illustration of human charity that does not need to push an agenda or try to deem the receiver worthy, a quality that has the ability to awaken far more than a mug of Starbucks can. So, if you are reading this, know your kindness was appreciated.
Thank you, Erica Marchbanks

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