Sunday, August 17, 2014

Joan Knows Best

You can find inspiration anywhere, even stopped in rush hour traffic (see above image) or while watching reality television.   

It sounds silly, but a few years ago, on “Joan & Melissa: Joan Knows Best,” Joan Rivers said something that I’ve thought about ever since. In a rare moment of seriousness, she shared some of the wisdom that has come with her age. Joan told her daughter and a friend to “Be sure to recognize the good times,” and then followed that sentiment by assuredly stating “these are good times.”

I guess this resonated because it came in contrast to what we so often hear on such high quality programming. She was not talking about a wedding day or any other specific point when she was swept up in emotion and had no trouble seeing how amazing life can be.  Instead, it was a reminder to seek out and actively recognize the inspirational in moments that may not clearly present themselves as the very best of times. It was a reminder to count your blessings, the blessings all around you. 

Paying attention to the good that is really part of every era of life can provide the perspective that, if you look hard enough, many moments of beauty surround even the bleakest storm. It seems the statement that “these are good times” is something everyone can assure themselves each day because there is always a silver lining. So even if today is not the best day of your life, remember to look for the good in the moments you are living, and if you are in Memphis, The Weather Channel is calling for clouds… you may just look for a real silver lining.